Category Archives: Christian Living

Blogs and articles about living a Christ-led life!

How Jesus Saved Her from Islam: Interview with Author and Counselor Kenza Haddock

Q&A with Kenza Haddock We sat down with our author of the upcoming book The Ex-Muslim’s Guide To Christianity to get to know her and her calling a bit better. She has a fascinating journey and story. Let’s dive right in! 1. What inspired you to write “The Ex-Muslim’s Guide to Christianity“? “Many news reports Continue Reading

Forgiveness: The Choice that Sets You Free

Guest Post by author Debbie Barr It’s practically impossible for any of us to go through life without stepping on someone else’s toes. That means, of course, that sometimes it’s our own toes that get stomped on. It’s not hard to forgive someone when their offense is as minor as literally stepping on our toes. Continue Reading

How to Spot 5 Signs of a Toxic Person

By Gregory Jantz Toxic People. This could be the title of a bad science fiction movie—a genetic experiment gone horribly wrong, or a planet-wide radiation leak from an orbiting government satellite turning millions of unsuspecting citizens into havoc-wreaking zombies. If only it were that simple! Compared to the real story—the one that lots of people Continue Reading

Life After Work: The First Step

The new year is here! From everyone at Rose Publishing/Aspire Press, we hope you had a joyful, wonderful Christmas. We’re kicking the new year off with a guest post from two of our Aspire authors. Keep reading to hear more about how they’re helping individuals find a fulfilling life Afterwork. Written by authors of Afterwork, Continue Reading

The Political-Cultural Divide: 9 Ways to Reconcile Over the Holidays

How do you handle family and holiday gatherings that have been affected by the great political divide? Perhaps you have friends that have distanced themselves because of political posts on social media. Maybe it’s uncles and aunts that only stop arguing between “Dear Heavenly Father” and “Amen.” Or the cousin that simply refuses to show Continue Reading

FREE Devotion: Loved by God (Fresh Hope for Today)

Loved By Grace Fox God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. ROMANS 5:8 NLT Pause Denyse had experienced a lot of pain in her life. Poor personal choices heaped heartache on her, and others’ choices added more. Her siblings labeled her a drama Continue Reading

Debunking the Retirement Lie

Have you heard of the retirement lie?  Joel Malick and Alex Lippert are the newest authors to join Rose Publishing/Aspire Press. They’re here to help us avoid buying into the lie and refocus on what truly matters. Our society has distracted us, placing too much emphasis on money and “happiness,” with very little focus on Continue Reading

Worry About Worrying: Why Anxiety Makes Us Feel Guilty

This is a guest post by author of Perfectly Suited, J.D. Peabody It’s been 75 years since the poet W.H. Auden described the times we’re living in as the age of anxiety. If there were any doubts about his assessment then, the last few years have erased them. Fear and worry have spread as quickly as Continue Reading

What is Reconciliation

Dear friend, Personally, I know what it’s like to feel the pain of a broken relationship—I mean, the hurt, the heartache of a ruined relationship. What agony! And I know what it’s like to yearn and pray for a restored relationship—a heart-to-heart reconciliation, only to have that reconciliation clearly denied. No matter how much I Continue Reading

5 Gift Ideas for Your Pastor During COVID

5 Gift Ideas for Your Pastor During COVID 2020 has been a difficult year for us all, especially for our churches. Now with online meetings and video conferences becoming the new norm, church attendance numbers have reached an all-time low. Though many churches have switched to online fellowship, still thousands have had to shut down Continue Reading