Free eChart: “5 Ways to Bless Your Family” from Dr. John Trent

New Blessing Books by John Trent!

Get ALL 4 New Blessing Books for Just $12.99 (Reg. $19.96)

Dr. John Trent, active contributor on Focus on the Family and co-author of the million-copy seller, The Blessing, reveals dozens of practical ways to show your family how much you love them in his NEW 4-in-1 blessing bundle.
Your marriage and family are important to you—But sometimes it’s hard to know how to show it. How can you show them how much you love them? How can you help your family grow even closer?
These easy-to-read books don’t just encourage family members to bless one another—they show you how! Packed with practical ideas, each Blessing book features 30 simple, fun, and impactful ways to show your family that you love them. With specific books tailored for husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers, Dr. Trent shares practical ideas he’s learned after 30 years of working with families. From doing your spouse’s least favorite chore to leaving an encouraging post-it note in your child’s textbook, easily turn these basic activities into powerful blessings that will affirm each family member’s worth and value. Perfect for personal or small group use.
Here’s just some of the practical features packed into these easy-to-read books:

  • 30 practical blessing ideas in each book along with personal anecdotes on how to apply them (That’s 120 blessing ideas total!). Covers simple gestures, such as doing your spouse’s least favorite chore to taking a selfie with your child.
  • Interactive “Personality” test that will determine whether your child is a Lion, Otter, Gold Retriever, or Beaver. Find out what each personality type means and discover practical ways you can encourage your children based on their strengths. (Helpful to know no matter what age your children are!)
  • Helpful tips on how to build a Christ-centered family, including how to set up a family prayer time, how to memorize scripture together, and more!
  • Affordable date night ideas, fun family “traditions” that create timeless memories, dozens of quick ways to say “I Love You,” fun ways to make your spouse’s Birthday special, and more!

Save $7! Get John Trent’s 4 new Blessing books for moms, dads, husbands and wives for Just $12.99.

“In his new Blessing series, John Trent has provided insightful, down-to-earth advice for those who want to bless their loved ones in life-changing ways. Now mothers, fathers, husbands, and wives have specific ideas for showing those closest to them that they are loved and accepted unconditionally. What a powerful legacy for families everywhere!” — Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family


“These are great books. Very practical. If you want your family to grow closer, these are the books that will show you how. John Trent has a unique ability to inspire change by being practical. You’ll say, ‘I can do this! I can hardly wait to get started!'” —Dr. Scott Turansky, co-founder, National Center for Biblical Parenting

For 5 Days Only, Save $7! Get John Trent’s 4-in-1 Blessing Bundle For Just $12.99 (Reg. $19.96). Perfect for individual use, small group Bible studies, marriage ministries, M.O.P.s, or anyone desiring to bring their family closer. Offer good while supplies last.


Free eChart: “5 Ways to Bless Your Family” from Dr. John Trent

Send this printable PDF to your friends, family, pastors, church leaders, youth group leaders, and small group members FOR FREE!

Hello, I’m John Trent and I want to offer you this free “5 Ways to Bless Your Family” eChart from my new Blessing series! For the past 30 years, I along with Greg Smalley and Focus on the Family have equipped parents and spouses with practical tools to transform their homes from the inside-out through “The Blessing.” The Blessing isn’t just another marriage tip or parenting formula—it’s a powerful, yet simple concept inspired by the Bible! In scripture, we see the importance of “blessing” others and how “blessings” affirm our loved one’s value and worth. Find out more about “the blessing” .
In this free eChart, you will find out how to create a culture of blessing in your home (and church) and will discover how to bless others in 5 key ways:

  • B stands for “Be Committed” (Active commitment)
  • L stand for “loving touch” (Meaningful touch)
  • E stands for “express value” (Attaching high value)
  • S stands for “see potential” (Envisioning a Special Future)
  • S stands for “say it” (Spoken Message)

Growing up with an alcoholic father, I never received “the blessing,” I never felt valued or accepted by my Dad. For years I lived with feelings of bitterness, resentment, and with a fear that I could never be a good father. It was during this time the Lord through scripture revealed to me the power of the “blessing.” Now, I’ve forgiven my father and I have dedicated my life to equipping both men and women with practical ways to build strong families! Please download and share this Free eChart with your friends, family, and church leaders.

For dozens of practical ideas on how to live out the “blessing” in your own life and to show your family how much you care, order John Trent’s NEW 4-in-1 Blessing Book bundle—Just $12.99. Save $7 when you order today


New Releases from Dr. John Trent!

Save $7! Get all 4 Blessing Books For Just $12.99!



“30 Ways to Bless” Books By Dr. John Trent

Blessing Books by John TrentOverall Rating: 5 Stars
Are you looking for ways to motivate and encourage your kids? Would you like to grow even closer to your husband? Are you a leader looking to build up the families in your church? If so, John Trent’s 30 Ways to Bless series is for you! Packed with practical ideas, this exclusive bundle features dozens of ways you can bless your family.
From writing a thoughtful note to displaying your kids’ artwork, “the blessing” is a simple, yet effective way to show your family how much you love them through meaningful words and actions. Join the millions of believers who have seen “the blessing” transform their relationships and strengthen their family.
Enjoy these key features:

  • Practical & Personal. Each book shares helpful tips, personal stories, and 30 ideas that show how to live out the “blessing” in a practical way.
  • Short & Simple. In just 100-pages, each book provides an easy-to-understand overview on what the Bible says about “blessing others” and gives 30 practical ideas.
  • Biblical & Trustworthy. Enjoy getting practical advice that is rooted in scripture. Dr. John Trent has been teaching men and woman for over 30 years how to build strong families. He’s the Chair of Marriage and Family Ministry at Moody Theological Seminary and co-author of the million-copy book, The Blessing.
  • Relatable & Flexible. Easily use these books for personal use, small groups, and your ministry. By building healthy families, you are building healthier churches—one blessing at a time. Easily use these books as discussion starters and life applications for any small group!


“This little book can make a profound difference in the lives of your children (and yours too!). When you begin to speak blessings, everything will change in your home for the better. Day by day, blessing by blessing, you will build a strong bridge to your child’s heart. As a mother of three young children, I’m grateful for this important resource which is easy to use. No matter how busy you are, these blessings are doable!” — Arlene Pellicane, author, 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Mom

Don’t Wait! Save $7 For 5 Days Only! Get this exclusive 4-in-1 bundle for just $12.99 (Reg $19.96).

Enjoy having 120 Practical Ways to Bless Your Family!

Within a family are several different relationships. Whether it’s a husband blessing his wife or a mother blessing her child, each relationship offers a unique opportunity to give a blessing. Enjoy having 30 blessing ideas for each “relationship” within your family (That’s over 120 practical ideas you can use right now to build up your family!). This 4-in-1 bundle covers 4 key family relationships:

30 Ways a Husband Can Bless His Wife

  • Make her favorite meal; get her wedding ring cleaned; suggest going to a marriage conference; carry her picture in your wallet; go for a walk together; do her least favorite chore; show up to parent-teacher meetings; and more! Includes tips on how to make her birthday special, date night ideas, conversation starters, and more!

30 Ways a Father Can Bless His Children

  • Create a secret handshake; set up a family prayer time; be the “taxicab” for their activities; ask them about their day; and more!

30 Ways a Wife Can Bless Her Husband

  • Encourage him to have a “man’s night;” praise the little things he does that makes you smile; make his favorite dish, take interest in his hobbies, and more!

30 Ways a Mother Can Bless Her Children

  • Hide encouraging post-it notes in your child’s textbooks, plan a mommy-date, take a selfie together, give them a “token of honor” as a way to celebrate a good grade, etc!

Each of these practical easy-to-use books feature 30 blessing ideas (that’s a blessing idea per day for an entire month!). Perfect for personal use, small group, marriage ministries, and more! Save $7 when you order today!

Find Out Practical Tips and Ideas from Dr. John Trent

Dr. John Trent, co-author of the million-copy seller, The Blessing, and active contributor on Focus on the Family has been teaching men and woman how to bless their families for over 30 years. Dr. John Trent is president of the non-profit, Strong Families, and he is the Chair of Marriage and Family Ministry at Moody Theological Seminary. John is a sought-after speaker and an award-winning author of more than twenty books, including six books for children. He has been a featured guest on numerous radio and television programs and leads The Blessing Challenge, a joint partnership with Focus on the Family and John and his wife of 30 years, Cindy, have two grown daughters and live in Arizona.

“I read and use everything John Trent does. Learning about giving The Blessing can change the direction of your life and someone you love. Read every word and truly be Blessed!” — Dr. Greg Jantz, author, founder, The Center, A Place of HOPE

Save $7 on this new release bundle today! Experience the joy of blessing someone close to you and watch how God transforms your family from the inside out.

Discover the 5 Keys to Building Strong Families

What exactly does it mean to give a blessing? The blessing as described in Scripture always included five key elements:

  1. Meaningful and appropriate touch—such as holding hands or faithfully giving a goodnight kiss
  2. A spoken message—telling your child how much they mean to you or praising them for being kind to others
  3. Attaching high value to the one being blessed—speaking and affirming God’s truth and value over your spouse and kids (no matter what age they are!)
  4. Picturing a special future for him or her—finding ways to to encourage your husband and kid’s potential and envisioning the ways they can impact the world for Christ
  5. An active commitment to fulfill the blessing—learn to build a habit of consistently showing your family how much they means to you

Don’t Wait! Get all 4 new releases from John Trent for just $12.99! Offer good while supplies last.

Imagine How “The Blessing” Can Transform Your Family (And Your Church)

You already know that families play an important role in any church. By encouraging healthy families, you are building healthier churches—one blessing at a time. Challenge your small group to do a blessing each week and share praise reports on what God is doing in your family!
SAVE 35% For 5 Days Only! Be the first to get all 4 new books by Dr. John Trent for JUST $12.99. Hurry! Order it today to save $7! Offer good for a limited time only and while supplies last.

Blessing Book



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