Category Archives: Bible Study Material

Rose Publishing has lots of printable, reproducible charts, maps and more for easy Bible study! Check out our free giveaways and eCharts to enrich your devotion time!

Week of Prayer: How To Pray More Like Jesus

Isn’t it wonderful to be able to speak to the Lord? Throughout the week, we’ve been celebrating God’s gift of prayer and communion with us by blogging daily about prayer. For those just learning to pray or those looking for a fresh perspective on prayer, I want to share with you what the Bible says Continue Reading

Week of Prayer: 3 Easy Steps to Praying for Peace

Our National Day of Prayer may have been yesterday, but do we intend to stop praying? Nope. Here’s why… “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understand, will guard your hearts and your Continue Reading

Week of Prayer: Praying for Harvest

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matt 9:37-38) Harvest. Souls. Salvation. Revival. Whatever terminology your church or community uses, the body of Christ can agree that it is God’s will for more to come to Him through Jesus. Continue Reading

Week of Prayer: Pray for Your Community

Day 3: Pray for Your Community “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.“–James 1:5 Tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer for the U.S. and we’re getting ready with a week of prayer topics. It will Continue Reading

Week of Prayer: Why Pray? + FREE Prayer Guide

Day 2: Why Pray? “Prayer should not be regarded ‘as a duty which must be performed, but rather as a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always revealing some new beauty.’”–E.M. Bounds God is omnipotent, sovereign, and has got it all under control. So why should we even bother praying? Here are Continue Reading

Week of Prayer: Praying for National Leaders

God’s Word urges us to pray and seek Him in unity. On May 7th, our country will come to the Lord with our prayers, petitions, and requests for the National Day of Prayer. At Rose, we’re making it a week-long event and today we are focusing on praying for our country’s leaders “I urge that Continue Reading

The 3 Daily Prayers That Start Your Day Right!

Did you know the National Day of Prayer is May 7th? That’s this coming Thursday! Why not use this occasion to start building a habit of daily prayer? Here’s a daily prayer challenge for you! Can you commit to it? How can we be sure to do this daily? We’ve compiled a short list of Continue Reading

3 Things to Know When Choosing a Bible

As a believer, your Bible is one of your most valuable utilities. You probably use it multiple times a week, look to it in hard times for God’s wisdom, and in times of joy for praise. You probably also want to use it for years to come! Why shouldn’t we put a little thought into Continue Reading

How to Address Suffering In Your Bible Study

Part of my job as a blogger involves keeping up with world events. Last week newsreaders across the globe were learning about the 100 year mark since the Armenian genocide. Researching the details of the horrific 7.8 magnitude quake this weekend led me to a dialogue with God: “Where are you in these events? And Continue Reading

Rose Q&A: What Happens To Us When We Die?

A common question we face regarding the afterlife is: Will we become angels? Let’s look to the Word to find our answers… Many people say… Angels are people who have died and gone to heaven. This belief (at least in its modern form) appears to have come from the teachings of 18th-century mystic Emanuel Swedenborg. Continue Reading